rxode2 plotting

By Matthew Fidler in rxode2

February 25, 2025

This month I will focus on rxode2’s plotting functions. I think these are very useful but not very well known. In general I will focus on three things: plotting single subjects, plotting multiple subjects and plotting confidence bands.

Plot functions

rxode2 plotting

Of course discussion of plotting require a model and simulation, so we will use the model from the original tutorial:


## Model from rxode2 tutorial
m1 <- rxode2({
  KA <- 2.94E-01
  CL <- 1.86E+01
  V2 <- 4.02E+01
  Q <- 1.05E+01
  V3 <- 2.97E+02
  Kin <- 1
  Kout <- 1
  EC50 <- 200
  ## Added modeled bioavaiblity, duration and rate
  fdepot <- 1
  durDepot <- 8
  rateDepot <- 1250
  C2 <- centr / V2
  C3 <- peri / V3
  d/dt(depot) <- -KA * depot
  f(depot) <- fdepot
  dur(depot) <- durDepot
  rate(depot) <- rateDepot
  d/dt(centr) <- KA * depot - CL * C2 - Q * C2 + Q * C3
  d/dt(peri) <- Q * C2 - Q * C3
  d/dt(eff) <- Kin - Kout * (1 - C2 / (EC50 + C2)) * eff
  eff(0) <- 1

rxode2 plotting of single subject solved objects

The first part is plotting a simulation based on a single subject event table:

ev <- et(timeUnits = "hr") %>%
  et(amt = 10000, ii = 12, until = 24) %>%
  et(seq(0, 24, length.out = 100))

s <- rxSolve(m1, ev)


One thing that is very easy to see is that the default plots all the calculated states and parameters in the model.

Often you may not want to see all the plots. For example, if you are more interested in the C2 concentration, you can subset to C2 by simply specifying the compartment after the solved object:

plot(s, C2)

You can specify as many compartments or calculated values as you wish with this method, for example if you are interested in both C2 and eff we would have:

plot(s, C2, eff)

This is one of the most basic types of things that plotting does for you. As a note, the type of units affects the x-label axis if you have xgxr installed (for best plotting results this extra tool is helpful).

withr::with_options(list(rxode2.xgxr = FALSE), {
  plot(s, C2, eff)

Now the unit ticks are in terms of 5 instead of 3 (which means 24 hours is not even displayed on the plot) by using xgxr::xgx_scale_x_time_units().

You can also change the axes to be semi-logarithmic with the log="x", log="y" or log="xy", as documented in the plot() function:

plot(s, C2,  log = "x")

plot(s, C2,  log = "y")
## Warning in ggplot2::scale_y_log10(..., breaks = breaks, minor_breaks =
## minor_breaks, : log-10 transformation introduced infinite values.

plot(s, C2,  log = "xy")

This is done with xgxr::xgx_scale_x_log10() and xgxr::xgx_scale_y_log10()

Currently, the other documented features of plot() are unimplemented (but may be implemented in the future).

One point is that the return of plot is a ggplot2 object, that means you can also use ggplot2 types of operations on the object:

plot(s, C2) + xlim(6, 12) + theme_bw()
## Scale for x is already present.
## Adding another scale for x, which will replace the existing scale.
## Warning: Removed 75 rows containing missing values or values outside the scale
## range (`geom_line()`).

rxode2 plotting of multiple subjects

rxode2 plots multiple subject simulations a bit differently. I will use model piping to add a log-normal between subject variability on clearance, and then plot with a few subjects

m2 <- m1 %>%
  model( CL <- 1.86E+01 * exp(eta.Cl)) %>%
  ini(eta.Cl ~ 0.4^2)
## ℹ add between subject variability `eta.Cl` and set estimate to 1
## ℹ change initial estimate of `eta.Cl` to `0.16`
ev <- et(amount.units = "mg", time.units = "hours") %>%
  et(amt = 10000, cmt = "centr", until = 48, ii = 8) %>%
  et(0, 36, length.out = 100)

s <- rxSolve(m2, ev,  nSub = 3)

With only 3 subjects, the subject id is labeled with ggrepel::geom_label_repel() if ggreple is installed in your system:

plot(s, C2, log="y")

If you get a large number of subjects they become gray spaghetti lines instead:

s <- rxSolve(m2, ev, nSub = 10)

plot(s, C2, log="y")

The break-point can be changed with the option rxode2.spaghetti which defaults to 7 subjects.

plot(s, C2, log="y")
## Warning: ggrepel: 4 unlabeled data points (too many overlaps). Consider
## increasing max.overlaps

rxode2 summarizing and plotting of multiple subjects confidence intervals

One of the things I do often is to create quantile bands from my simulation.

Continuing from a simple simulation, we have:

s <- rxSolve(m2, ev, nSub=500)

ci <- confint(s, parm=c("eff", "C2"), 0.95)
## ! in order to put confidence bands around the intervals, you need at least 2500 simulations
## summarizing data...done
# The numeric quantiles from `confint()`
## # A tibble: 600 × 5
##     time trt       p1   eff Percentile
##      [h] <fct>  <dbl> <dbl> <chr>     
##  1 0     eff   0.0250  1    2.5%      
##  2 0     eff   0.5     1    50%       
##  3 0     eff   0.975   1    97.5%     
##  4 0.364 eff   0.0250  1.16 2.5%      
##  5 0.364 eff   0.5     1.17 50%       
##  6 0.364 eff   0.975   1.18 97.5%     
##  7 0.727 eff   0.0250  1.26 2.5%      
##  8 0.727 eff   0.5     1.29 50%       
##  9 0.727 eff   0.975   1.31 97.5%     
## 10 1.09  eff   0.0250  1.29 2.5%      
## # ℹ 590 more rows

ci <- confint(s, parm=c("eff", "C2"), 0.95)
## ! in order to put confidence bands around the intervals, you need at least 2500 simulations
## summarizing data...done

As mentioned in the notes, with enough simulations you can get a confidence band around the interval.

s <- rxSolve(m2, ev, nSub=2500)

ci <- confint(s, parm=c("eff", "C2"), 0.95)
## summarizing data...done
# The numeric confidence intervals:
## # A tibble: 600 × 7
##        p1  time trt    p2.5   p50 p97.5 Percentile
##     <dbl>   [h] <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     
##  1 0.0250 0     eff    1     1     1    2.5%      
##  2 0.5    0     eff    1     1     1    50%       
##  3 0.975  0     eff    1     1     1    97.5%     
##  4 0.0250 0.364 eff    1.16  1.17  1.17 2.5%      
##  5 0.5    0.364 eff    1.17  1.17  1.17 50%       
##  6 0.975  0.364 eff    1.18  1.18  1.18 97.5%     
##  7 0.0250 0.727 eff    1.25  1.26  1.27 2.5%      
##  8 0.5    0.727 eff    1.29  1.29  1.30 50%       
##  9 0.975  0.727 eff    1.31  1.31  1.31 97.5%     
## 10 0.0250 1.09  eff    1.27  1.30  1.32 2.5%      
## # ℹ 590 more rows
plot(ci, log="y")

rxode2 stratified quantile intervals

One of the most common tasks that I perform is stratify my simulation by certain sub-groups.

This can be done easily by a rxode2 extension of confint to stratify with the by argument. An example of this is:

m2 <- m1 %>%
  model( CL <- 1.86E+01 * exp(eta.Cl) + 3*(sex=="Female")) %>%
  ini(eta.Cl ~ 0.4^2)
## ℹ add between subject variability `eta.Cl` and set estimate to 1
## ℹ add covariate `sex`
## ℹ change initial estimate of `eta.Cl` to `0.16`
ev2 <- ev %>% et(id=1:50) %>%
  as.data.frame(.) %>%

ev3 <- ev %>% et(id=51:100) %>%
  as.data.frame(.) %>%

evSex <- rbind(ev2, ev3)

s <- rxSolve(m2, evSex, nStud=500)
## [====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====|====] 0:00:05
# NOTE: by is not a documented in `confint` but can be used
# by a rxode2 solved object
ci <- confint(s, parm=c("eff", "C2"), 0.95, by="sex")
## summarizing data...
## done
# The numeric confidence intervals:
## # A tibble: 1,200 × 8
##        p1  time trt   sex    p2.5   p50 p97.5 Percentile
##     <dbl>   [h] <fct> <fct> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <fct>     
##  1 0.0250 0     eff   Male   1     1     1    2.5%      
##  2 0.5    0     eff   Male   1     1     1    50%       
##  3 0.975  0     eff   Male   1     1     1    97.5%     
##  4 0.0250 0.364 eff   Male   1.16  1.16  1.17 2.5%      
##  5 0.5    0.364 eff   Male   1.17  1.17  1.17 50%       
##  6 0.975  0.364 eff   Male   1.18  1.18  1.18 97.5%     
##  7 0.0250 0.727 eff   Male   1.24  1.26  1.27 2.5%      
##  8 0.5    0.727 eff   Male   1.29  1.29  1.30 50%       
##  9 0.975  0.727 eff   Male   1.30  1.31  1.31 97.5%     
## 10 0.0250 1.09  eff   Male   1.26  1.29  1.32 2.5%      
## # ℹ 1,190 more rows

This brings up a couple of points for discussion/understanding.

First, the defaults for confint are a bit different for rxode2 solved objects, this is clearly seen by using the by variable.

Other options other than by are:

  • ci, in conjunction with level, controls levels of the uncertainty in the quantiles or confidence intervals calculated
  • mean – should the mean values be calculated instead of the quantiles. When this is true instead of the base::quantile() function, summaries are done with rxode2::meanProbs(), and all the options there are accepted (useT, pred, and n).
  • binom – should binomial values be calculated instead of the binom values. When this is true, instead of using the base::quantile() function, summaries are done with rxode2::binomProbs() and all the relevant options there are accepted (n, m, ciMethod, pred, etc)

For this blog post I am only focusing on quantiles (perhaps in a later blog post I will cover mean/binom summaries).

ci in confint

By default, the confint is actually the quantiles controlled by level and ci options, I show extreme options of low and high ci/levels as well as ci=FALSE to show what each option does.

First we setup the model and the data:

m2 <- m1 %>%
  model( CL <- 1.86E+01 * exp(eta.Cl)) %>%
  ini(eta.Cl ~ 0.4^2)
## ℹ add between subject variability `eta.Cl` and set estimate to 1
## ℹ change initial estimate of `eta.Cl` to `0.16`
s <- rxSolve(m2, ev, nSub=2500)

You can see wider confidence bands in the next plot because the overall levels is 0.995, but very little variability in the uncertainty of these bands (since the ci=0.25):

c <- confint(s, parm=c("C2", "eff"), level=.995, ci=.25)
## summarizing data...done

On the other hand, with a level=0.25 the overall confidence bands are smaller while the confidence around the lines are larger (ci=0.995)

c <- confint(s, parm=c("C2", "eff"), level=.25, ci=.995)
## summarizing data...done

Note that if you specify only level, the ci matches the level argument:

c <- confint(s, parm=c("C2", "eff"), level=.995)
## summarizing data...done

You can also force the simualtion only one quantile calculation by turning off ci:

c <- confint(s, parm=c("C2", "eff"), level=.995, ci=FALSE)
## summarizing data...done

For these confidence bands you can see that the overall level represents the overall percentiles, while ci represents the smaller percentiles (which should be illustrated by the above plots).

The for each theoretical study, the quantiles are taken according to the level. Then these quantiles get confidence around them with quantiles taken by the values in ci.

For single subject simulations, the number of subjects are split approximately evenly. For example with 2500 simulations, you would split the number of studies (nStud) to be round(sqrt(2500)), or 50 with 50 subjects apiece. The first 50 subjects are in nStud=1, second 50 subjects are in nStud=2, etc.

Other plotting functions

Note there are some other plotting functions in rxode2 like:

These may be covered in the future blog and plots from nlmixr2 would likely be covered later.

Posted on:
February 25, 2025
9 minute read, 1862 words
See Also: